The general objectives of the Union Budget is to bring about a rapid and balanced economic growth of our country coupled with social justice and equality.

The knowledge of Union Budget is crucial for every citizen and even more eminent to commerce students. To help our students acquire the information and status of the countries Budget we organized a live budget viewing session on 1st February, 2024.

Budget Highlights are as follows:

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented her sixth budget on 1st February, 2024 in the Lokasabha.

The Budget elements can be divided into two parts

Part A of the budget tells about the expectation & reforms strategy for the upcoming financial year.

This section also contain the different welfare schemes planned for the targeted groups like women & children, students, farmers etc.

Part B carries tax announcements both direct & indirect tax.

It also contains announcements regarding any changes in Income Tax Slab rates, corporate tax, capital gains tax, customs & excise duties in the upcoming Fiscal year.

And other aspects of budget helps students get an insight of the same.