The KLE’s Degree College, Gokak, Women Empowerment Cell organized “Comfiesta” A Two Day Teamathon on 20th & 21st June, 2023 for students.

The event was organised by the final year students under the Women Empowerment Cell successfully.

All students have participated in the event which was spread over a period of two days consisting of outdoor and indoor activities.

These two days activities were conducted to inculcate the students with team spirit, the students of II & IV semester classes were segregated in teams of 10 each who in turn participated in a group of two, four etc. from each team in different competitions.

The first day i.e., 20th June was for outdoor games and competitions in which the whole team had to participate.

These games were designed to induce the values of time, patience, logic, precision, balance, coordination, and team work among the students.

The Second Day i.e., 21st June, was for indoor activities in which the teams participated in groups of two and four.

These competitions aimed at inducing Leadership & marketing, organisation, time management and team spirit among the students.

The main purpose of organizing this event was to encourage the students to take initiative towards teamwork.